aluminium foil

  • All the ‘Single-Use’ Household Items You Should Be Re-Using

    All the ‘Single-Use’ Household Items You Should Be Re-Using

    Part of being an adult is feeling the constant need to replenish basic household supplies. One way to combat this loop is to be more mindful about recycling and re-purposing your stuff. But you can go one step further—there are many things we tend to treat as “single-use” that can, in fact, be used more…

  • The Difference Between Aluminium and Tin Foil

    The Difference Between Aluminium and Tin Foil

    We recently posted about the many ways aluminium foil is helpful around the house and quickly found that mentioning “tin foil” was scientifically incorrect (and I’m always willing to admit my mistakes). Depending where you’re from, it might be a natural reflex to say “tin foil” when wrapping up leftovers or cooking on the grill…