When you’re trying to bring order to household chaos, it’s important you don’t confuse organisation with decluttering. Out of sight is definitely not out of home.
Photo by distelfliege
It’s smart to organise your stuff. You’ll give yourself more room to breath and your home will look much nicer. Merlin Mann at 43 Folders just recommends you don’t organise things you don’t actually want to keep:
Organisation is what you do to stuff that you need, want, or love — it’s not what you do to get useless stuff out of sight or to impart make-believe meaning.
Organised junk is still junk. Don’t give yourself any more excuses to hold on to the things you know you don’t need. It’s hard enough already to get rid of certain things without you making it worse. Get rid of stuff first, then organise it.
My War on Clutter: Never “Organise” What You Can Discard [43 Folders via 99U]