
  • Use ‘Flowtime’ As a Flexible Alternative to the Pomodoro Technique

    Use ‘Flowtime’ As a Flexible Alternative to the Pomodoro Technique

    The Pomodoro technique is the superstar of the world of productivity methods because its premise—that you should work hard for 25 minutes, then reward yourself with a few minutes off—is effective and appealing. But that doesn’t mean it works perfectly for everyone. Like anything else, it’s adaptable. Try the flowtime technique if you find that…

  • Make a Better To-Do List With the 1-3-5 Method

    Make a Better To-Do List With the 1-3-5 Method

    No matter what kind of productivity goals you have and which techniques you plan to use to get it all done, you still probably start with a to-do list. Learning to formulate a solid to-do list is the key first step to being productive, since you need it to move on to other planning stages,…