version control

  • Useful Git Tips And Tricks From The CIA WikiLeaks Dump

    Most organisations with a collaborative wiki have some sort of “tips and tricks” page, where users can freely add or update advice for everyone to use. It appears the CIA is no different, with the recent “Vault 7” dump from WikiLeaks revealing the US intelligence service’s closely guarded collection of Git cheats. What’s surprising is…

  • Learn How To Use Git With Online, Hands-On Tutorials

    Last year we pointed you in the direction of a cheat sheet for Git, the robust, yet somewhat intimidating version control system that has many uses outside of software projects. If you’re still not comfortable giving it a try, there are a number of online resources that allow you to get your hands dirty without…

  • How To Use Git As A Running Sheet

    When you’re handling a technology meltdown (like a computer failure or a malware infection) it helps to have a running sheet of the things you’re doing to remedy the crisis. Using Git can be a very effective way to do that.