
  • Always Get a Second Opinion on a Tech Repair

    Always Get a Second Opinion on a Tech Repair

    When your phone’s screen breaks or your laptop stops holding a charge, your first instinct might be to take it to the company that produced it — they made the thing, so they should be trusted to fix it. While that isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s not always the best course of action. Your repair experience…

  • You Can Update Your MacBook Cable for Some Reason

    You Can Update Your MacBook Cable for Some Reason

    I write a lot about updates, because they’re important — and fun. Between new features, bug fixes, and security patches, each update is an invitation to dive in and see what’s new. That isn’t really the case with Apple’s latest update, though: The company issued a new update for your MacBook’s MagSafe cable.

  • Stop Buying New Apple Devices

    Stop Buying New Apple Devices

    Whether you love or hate Apple, we can all agree on one thing: Their products are expensive. Apple’s iPhones can easily cost over $1,300, and MacBooks require a mortgage just to look at them. The thing is, you don’t need to buy these devices new in order to get the perks of buying new.

  • Your Mac Has Secret Reset ‘Buttons’

    Your Mac Has Secret Reset ‘Buttons’

    All computers act up from time to time. When things go awry, my first recommendation is always to simply shut down and reboot: Often, this simple power cycle fixes the issue. However, you might run into the odd problem that doesn’t go away. Maybe your MacBook gets hot and stays hot, or the fans are…