Today I Discovered The Mystery Of James Dean’s ‘Cursed’ Porsche Car
Everyone knows how Hollywood legend James Dean died — young and badly, crashing his Porsche 550 Spyder on September 30, 1955. More than half a century later, the mystery of his supposedly “cursed” Porsche is as compelling as ever.
Today I Discovered Benjamin Bathurst, The ‘Dimension Hopping’ Diplomat
Benjamin Bathurst was a British diplomat who disappeared without a trace in Germany in 1809. In a day and age when sophisticated forensics didn’t exist, this might not sound too mysterious – especially during the Napoleonic Wars when murders, robberies and assassinations were common. However, his disappearance was so notably sudden that many attributed it…
Today I Discovered: The Lost Colony Of Roanoke
If you’ve been following along with our daily Today I Discovered posts, you would know that I am a sucker for disappearances and weird mysteries. The Lost Colony of Roanoke is certainly one of those weird mysteries. In 1587, John White left the North American Roanoke colony for England. When he returned, three years later…