
  • Hear Me Out: Pickle Spaghetti

    Hear Me Out: Pickle Spaghetti

    Pickle fans love taking what is supposed to be an accent — a sour and pungent adornment — and forcing it into a main role. We’ll try any pickled-flavored snack that comes to market, be it a simple potato chip or something more elaborate like these pickle pups (which, full disclosure, weren’t very good). So…

  • You Can Turn a Bag of Frozen Hash Browns Into a Pot of Soup

    You Can Turn a Bag of Frozen Hash Browns Into a Pot of Soup

    Potatoes are incredible, and I have been eating a lot of them. I was/am on a big baked Yukon kick, but now I’ve shifted into soup mode with this deeply savoury, creamy, and incidentally dairy-free potato and onion soup. (The sour cream on top is not dairy-free, but you can omit it.) This soup has…