lawn care

  • Seriously, We Don’t Need Lawns

    Seriously, We Don’t Need Lawns

    It’s never been harder to keep a lawn alive and unless radical climate interventions happen like, tomorrow, this is the easiest it’ll be for the rest of your life. Not to be too dramatic, but: Have you ever considered giving up?

  • How to Start a ‘Bee Lawn’ (and Why You Should)

    How to Start a ‘Bee Lawn’ (and Why You Should)

    Traditional lawns — as in, the ones that require ripping up a piece of land, removing any plant life, and then planting and growing a uniform type of grass, which society dictates must be maintained in a certain way — are not the only option for your yard. (For more background, read Lifehacker writer A.A.…

  • When You Should Use Sugar on Your Lawn (and When You Shouldn’t)

    When You Should Use Sugar on Your Lawn (and When You Shouldn’t)

    Those who opt to plant and maintain traditional lawns may like the look of the lush, green grass surrounding their home, but don’t necessarily want to use artificial fertilisers and other chemicals to keep it looking good. And while some turn to sand as a way to improve soil drainage, others use something a bit…

  • How to Really Tell If You Need a Lawnmower or a Tractor

    How to Really Tell If You Need a Lawnmower or a Tractor

    When it comes to cutting your grass, you have several options (including not planting and maintaining a traditional American lawn to begin with). The decision may be easier for those with larger yards, as using anything other than a tractor is going to be pretty time consuming.