
  • Bee Facts: Why Do Some Bees Die After Stinging?

    Bee Facts: Why Do Some Bees Die After Stinging?

    Most of us have been stung by a bee and we know it’s not much fun. But maybe we also felt a tinge of regret, or vindication, knowing the offending bee will die. Right? Well, for 99.96% of bee species, that’s not actually the case. Only eight out of almost 21,000 bee species in the…

  • The Worst Ways to React to a Bee Attack

    The Worst Ways to React to a Bee Attack

    Bees want to be left alone, and in return, they typically leave us alone. Even when you see a swarm of bees out in the wild, they’re usually moving from one hive to another — not chasing after an enemy. But on rare occasions, such as their home being disturbed, bees can and do attack…

  • How to Find an Ant Nest

    How to Find an Ant Nest

    Ants in your home is always a cause for concern. Aside from the appearance of a long wriggling trail of ant soldiers just looking gross, ants can carry bacteria and mould spores into your food supplies (including pet food), so anything that ants come into contact with in your pantry needs to be thrown away.…