
  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Spring Cleaning

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Spring Cleaning

    We’re back to spring: the time of renewal, rebirth, and cleaning your damn house. And I mean really cleaning — not just picking up, but moving the couch, wiping off the blades of the ceiling fan, and getting behind the fridge. Spring cleaning.

  • Stop Using Cheap Plastic Drywall Anchors

    Stop Using Cheap Plastic Drywall Anchors

    Even if you’re not handy, there are certain universal projects that just about everyone tackles at some point in their lives, like hanging a towel rack or a shelf on the wall. And trying to hang stuff on your walls leads to a crucial lesson: Drywall absolutely sucks when it comes to supporting weight.

  • Never Vacuum Up These Common Household Messes

    Never Vacuum Up These Common Household Messes

    There are so many smart ways to use a vacuum besides just running it over your carpet, but there are also some things you really shouldn’t be sucking up. You can avoid damaging your expensive machine by learning what can’t be vacuumed. Here are the things to always avoid vacuuming up: