
  • How to Turn a Mini Fridge Into a Cheese Cave

    How to Turn a Mini Fridge Into a Cheese Cave

    I learned to make cheese under the tutelage of two women on a farm in New Zealand. The memory that really stuck is being shown to the cheese cave, a walk-in outbuilding protected by the largest duck I’d ever laid eyes on. As if to explain his largesse, the cheesemaker noted “we throw him a…

  • Why Your Vacuum Smells Bad (and How to Fix It)

    Why Your Vacuum Smells Bad (and How to Fix It)

    Even if vacuuming is one of you least-favourite chores, when you consider what life was like before the appliance existed — beating rugs and sweeping floors manually — you have to admit its ability to make messes disappear is pretty amazing.

  • The Cheapest Alternatives to Expensive Home Improvements

    The Cheapest Alternatives to Expensive Home Improvements

    Home improvements are alluring, as they can add convenience as well as value to your home — but they can also be expensive. While certain repairs like roofs and siding are often necessary to prevent damage, others can wait if you’re on a budget. Here’s a few of the most expensive projects, and some lower…