electric battery
Stop Storing These Things in Your Shed
Sheds are useful for storing all kinds of things outside of your house, but there are some items that do not belong in your shed.
Never Charge a Device That Has Just Been in Below Freezing Temps
There are plenty of times our devices are out in the cold. Maybe you’re skiing, and you take your iPhone along with you; maybe you ordered a brand-new tablet for the holidays, and the driver left it on your doorstep. Whatever the reason for your chilled devices, we have an important PSA: If your tech…
How to Make Your Cordless Vacuum Battery Last Longer
The war on wires is ongoing. The modern home is absolutely infested with them — power cords, Internet cables, HDMI cables, drawers and drawers full of random USB cords we’re terrified to throw away — despite the proliferation of wireless technology. Even our beloved Wi-Fi pretty much always starts with a cable of some sort.…
How to Tell If a New Battery Will Fix Your Lagging iPhone
Your old iPhone is feeling its age; apps crawl to open, animations couldn’t be choppier, keyboards lag like no one’s business. Before you throw in the towel and upgrade to the latest and greatest Apple device, consider simply upgrading the battery instead.