Beware of These Personalised ChatGPT Email Scams
ChatGPT is not unlike a smart child — intelligent, yes, but also easily manipulated. A kid might understand the difference between “good” and “bad,” but an ill-intended adult can often convince a child to do something “bad” if they choose the right words and use the right approach. And this was the case with ChatGPT…
Block People From Seeing That You Opened Their Emails
When you fire off an important email, you don’t get to know when the recipient opens it. You have to sit in front of your computer like a dope waiting for their response. Some emailers out there, however, don’t have to wait for a response to know the message was received. In fact, they can…
Why You Should Never Respond to Spam, Even to Unsubscribe
You might find yourself wondering from time to time: Why is it always you who constantly gets spammed with emails while your buddy Steve — who doesn’t even take the time to unsubscribe from spammy emails — gets to seemingly live his life spam-headache free? The answer isn’t that Steve is just lucky; it’s that…
Everything You Should Know About Your 15 Minutes of Fame Before It Happens
We’ve all heard about Andy Warhol’s old declaration that in the future, everyone would be famous for 15 minutes — except that wasn’t really something Warhol said. The late artist has been famous for decades because of his work, but that quote had real staying power, too, and that’s how these things work: People become…