
  • This Is the Best Way to Clean Dirty Oven Racks

    This Is the Best Way to Clean Dirty Oven Racks

    You’re here because you want to know the best way to clean your oven rack. That makes sense, as there are some zany hacks out there—but they can get so convoluted it’s hard to know if they’re the best way. For instance, a not-insignificant number of people swear by setting oven racks in dewy grass…

  • Is It Cheaper to Take a Shower or a Bath?

    Is It Cheaper to Take a Shower or a Bath?

    All the recent cold weather may be causing you to spend more time in a hot shower or bath than usual. And if you pay for water (or are concerned about conserving it), you may be wondering which is harder on your wallet (and the environment): Showering or bathing? Here’s what to know.

  • The Actual Difference Between a Half, 3/4, and Full Bathroom

    The Actual Difference Between a Half, 3/4, and Full Bathroom

    Real estate listings sound like they should be pretty straightforward, but if you’re not familiar with the terminology and abbreviations, it can seem like they’re written in a different language. Some things are self-explanatory, like seeing “primary bedroom” and knowing it’s what has been traditionally known as a “master bedroom.”