
Effective communication is one of the most important life skills we can learn. Whether you want to have more meaningful conversations, keep up with the technology helping us communicate or express your ideas better in the workplace, you’ll find essential tips for learning to communicate more effectively.

  • These Apps Will Help You Make Any Difficult Decision

    These Apps Will Help You Make Any Difficult Decision

    From picking between two restaurants to picking between two job offers, there’s no one foolproof approach to making decisions. We’ve covered our fair share of decision-making hacks in the past: There’s the 37% rule to simplify your gut instincts, or creating a decision matrix in order to prioritise what you need to get done. But…

  • The Difference Between a Fear and a Phobia

    The Difference Between a Fear and a Phobia

    The word “phobia” is often used frequently to describe a general fear, in the same way “bipolar” gets thrown around to describe someone’s mood swing or “OCD” is used to reference someone’s dedication to cleaning. Like bipolar or obsessive-compulsive disorders, however, phobias are actually serious, diagnosable, and more intense than the frivolous use of the…

  • The Best New Apple Notes Features in iOS 16

    The Best New Apple Notes Features in iOS 16

    Apple’s iOS 16 (which is currently available as a public beta) comes with a lot of small new features for the Notes app, but the biggest update is the addition of Quick Notes. Of course, it doesn’t work exactly like it does on the iPad, but it’s still just as useful. Here are all the…