
  • The Best YouTube Extensions Everyone Should Use

    The Best YouTube Extensions Everyone Should Use

    The default YouTube experience on desktop browsers isn’t great. It stuffs annoying YouTube Shorts in your feed, pushes clickbait videos, and lacks the tools you need to fully enjoy the service. From volume boosters to video summarizers, we’ve found an assortment of the best YouTube extensions that will make the site far more useful. YouTube…

  • How to Block YouTube Ads on Your Android TV

    How to Block YouTube Ads on Your Android TV

    The experience of watching YouTube videos somehow keeps getting worse, and if you watch them on your smart TV, get ready to begin seeing a lot of unskippable 30-second ads before your video has even started. As if that isn’t bad enough, YouTube may also start showing you ads when you pause a video. Fortunately,…

  • How to Respond to Every Type of Annoying Airline Passenger

    How to Respond to Every Type of Annoying Airline Passenger

    Airline passengers who are simply annoying, if not dangerously so, are so common, no one bothers to count them. You know the type: people who get drunk and belligerent at altitude, try to convert you to Christianity while you’re trapped in the middle seat, let their kids run wild, or put their bare feet on…

  • 9 of the Best Fitness Books I Read in 2022

    9 of the Best Fitness Books I Read in 2022

    Learning about fitness from digital sources is great, and learning from real live people can’t be beat. But sometimes you want to curl up with a good book on your rest day, and so I have some suggestions. These aren’t all new books, but they’re all books that I read or re-read this year. If…