
  • Why You Should Never Cook Chilli Peppers In the Microwave

    Why You Should Never Cook Chilli Peppers In the Microwave

    I have been nuking food since childhood, but no one ever taught me the Rules of Microwaving. I learned not to put any metal in one when I went to re-heat a foil-wrapped Wendy’s hamburger, and I learned the dangers of superheating liquids in chemistry class. No one warned me about chilli peppers, however.

  • How to Stop Firefox From Showing You Ads in its New Address Bar

    How to Stop Firefox From Showing You Ads in its New Address Bar

    “No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesn’t sell you out.” That’s the quote you see from Mozilla when you go to download Firefox for the first time. The company advertises itself as the superior choice for protecting yourself while browsing the internet, but a recent update…