wake up

  • Plunging Your Body Into Cold Water Is A Good Idea

    Plunging Your Body Into Cold Water Is A Good Idea

    Plunging oneself into extremely cold water is something most humans avoid, as it does not feel good, and people like to feel good. It’s quite jarring, but invigorating, and has the added bonus of making you hyper-aware of your breathing, circulatory system, and any other parts of your body that usually function involuntarily. And, when…

  • A Night Owl’s Guide To Surviving Early Mornings

    A Night Owl’s Guide To Surviving Early Mornings

    If you’re naturally a night owl, dragging yourself out of bed early is challenge enough. There’s no need to add meditation, journaling, a five km run and a head start on emails on top of that. If mornings are hard, your morning routine should be easy.