
  • Lies I Tell Myself in the Gym

    Lies I Tell Myself in the Gym

    Sometimes it’s important to be honest with yourself. Do you really want to pursue that fitness goal, or are you feeling pressured into it? Do you really have the time for this new exercise program, or will you ditch it as soon as life gets busy? But sometimes, honesty is overrated. I lie to myself…

  • Can Beetroot Really Improve My Athletic Performance?

    Can Beetroot Really Improve My Athletic Performance?

    Beetroot is gaining popularity as a performance-enhancer for athletes and those wanting to gain a competitive advantage in running and cycling. Some people juice beetroot, some eat it, others mix up a drink from the powdered form. But will it make a noticeable difference on how quickly we run a race or cycle up a…

  • 15 of Lifehacker’s Best Weight Lifting Tips of 2022

    15 of Lifehacker’s Best Weight Lifting Tips of 2022

    Lifting weights is a great way to exercise. Training your muscles is essential to meeting exercise guidelines, plus being strong is basically living life on easy mode. So read on for some of the best tips and guides we published this year on what to do in the weight room.