
  • The Best Way to Clean Your TV Without Damaging It

    The Best Way to Clean Your TV Without Damaging It

    The internet connectivity and delicate LCD screens of today’s TVs are a far cry from the sturdy boxes that once took up so much space in our living rooms. One thing those old bricks had going for them, though, was they were easy to clean without fear of damaging the whole machine. Plastic shells and…

  • How to Keep Carpets From Polluting Your Indoor Air

    How to Keep Carpets From Polluting Your Indoor Air

    For every person who loves the feel of carpet on their bare feet, there are others who regard carpet as the Worst Flooring and the First Thing We’re Ripping Out When We Move In. Hating carpet isn’t just aesthetic, either — carpet can be difficult to keep clean, and often is only superficially “clean” no…

  • Stop Using Dish Soap on Your Wine Glasses

    Stop Using Dish Soap on Your Wine Glasses

    The wine world is famously mystifying. Legs? Tannins? Why is everyone slurping? So it makes sense that when it comes to caring for your wine glasses, a lot of people have a lot of different opinions. In fact, when you look up the best methods to clean wine glasses, you might find more questions than…