
  • No Wonder No One Wants to Be a Teacher

    No Wonder No One Wants to Be a Teacher

    Remember when former Morrison government minister Stuart Robert lashed out at “dud” teachers? In March, the then-acting education minister said the “bottom 10%” of teachers “can’t read and write” and blamed them for declining academic results. This is more than just a sensational headline or politician trying to get attention. My research argues the way…

  • Why You Should Parent Like A Librarian

    Why You Should Parent Like A Librarian

    As parents, we’re told that we’re our kids’ first teachers. It’s true, but to me this conjures up the idea that we must stand over their shoulders with a red pen, telling them they exactly what to learn and how. To better support their natural inquisitiveness, it can help to instead think of yourself as…

  • What To Ask Kids Instead Of ‘Do You Have Any Questions?’ 

    What To Ask Kids Instead Of ‘Do You Have Any Questions?’ 

    When kids are between two and four, they’re bubbling with questions — preschool children ask their parents an average of 100 questions a day. (My daughter seems to ask this many on the drive to school — How do the cars stay in the lines? Who makes the lights change colours? Why don’t they make…