
  • What To Do When Your Small Business Is Hit By A Cryptovirus

    When Kristie Green, owner of North Star Scaffolding, saw a traffic infringement notice email come through on the computer she uses to run her small business, she didn’t even think twice about clicking it. The computer instantly froze up and then a message appeared on the screen informing her the device has been hijacked and…

  • How To Safely Transform To An Agile Data Centre

    As Lifehacker covered in ‘The Next Five Years Of IT‘, the modern data centre is no longer a static environment. To stay competitive, you need an agile data centre which can deploy on-premises, pure cloud or hybrid technologies as the need arises. But what’s the best way to effectively manage and deploy those resources? Here’s…

  • How To Get A Job In IT Security

    Technical expertise is obviously vital if you want to work in the security field, but it’s not the only requirement. Looking to get ahead? Start by learning a second language (and we don’t mean C++).