
  • Be Less Polite

    The nicest thing you can say to your friend is “Fuck you!” Not when you’re actually mad, but when you’re goofing around and they just got you good, and you’re acknowledging that yeah, you’re owned. That “fuck you” says “We are in a circle of trust and intimacy, and because of this we do not…

  • What To Do When Kids Swear 

    What To Do When Kids Swear 

    Photo: hidesy/Shutterstock Kids talk a lot. Parents usually respond with a nod or chuckle or maybe a glazed-over look when it’s already 18 minutes past bedtime and they’re still dissecting the tropes of the My Little Pony movie, but every now and then, they will hear a word and gasp.

  • If You Want To Bond With Someone, Swear With Them

    If You Want To Bond With Someone, Swear With Them

    Our modern culture has some strange taboos. While many of us are comfortable watching exceedingly adult shows like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, swearing at the dinner table is right out. However, if you want to bond with someone, dropping a few profanities might be a good idea.