
  • Make Perfect Ginger Dressing With Only 3 Ingredients

    Make Perfect Ginger Dressing With Only 3 Ingredients

    I am obsessed with ordering side salads at sushi restaurants. Not because I feel the need to keep my body running with leafy greens—because I love that damn ginger dressing. Luckily, it’s easy to make at home; you just need three ingredients and five minutes (an immersion blender helps too). I had tried to make…

  • Edible Things You Should Never Actually Eat

    Edible Things You Should Never Actually Eat

    When I was very (very) young, I ate an entire box of crayons in the hope of having multi-coloured poop. It did not work, but it did cause my mother a few hours of mild distress as she worried what might happen to me. The answer (disappointingly) was nothing. I didn’t extrude a rainbow, nor…