
  • How to Remove Sunscreen Stains from Furniture and Carpet

    How to Remove Sunscreen Stains from Furniture and Carpet

    Sunscreen is a summertime necessity, but sometimes it can end up on places other than your skin. Whether you squeeze the bottle too hard — resulting in lotion exploding all over your favourite carpet — or someone in your household sits down on the couch covered in a fresh coat of head-to-toe sunblock, sunscreen stains…

  • How to Get Sunscreen on Your Kid Without a Battle

    How to Get Sunscreen on Your Kid Without a Battle

    Summer is just around the corner, which means playgrounds, bike rides, pool time, trips to the beach, and a whole lot of related whining about sunscreen application. It’s unlikely that your kids are ever going to love getting slathered with the stuff — after all, it delays their fun. But if you go in with…

  • A Non-Awkward Way to Apply Sunscreen to Your Own Back

    A Non-Awkward Way to Apply Sunscreen to Your Own Back

    We’re in the midst of summer, which means we’re all spending a fair share of our time swimming at the beach or a pool in an effort to cool down and beat that uncomfortable heat. So you better slip, slop, slap, seek and slide to protect yourself from harmful sun exposure. When it comes to…

  • How to Treat a Bad Sunburn

    How to Treat a Bad Sunburn

    If you wear sunscreen every day, apply it properly and reapply it every few hours (or whenever you’ve been sweating, swimming, or towelling off), then you don’t need this article. But here we are. You’ve been burned, and you’re hurting. What now?