
  • How To Avoid A Life Of Regret

    How To Avoid A Life Of Regret

    What is it you’ll regret most about your life when your time is up? Failure to fulfil your duty and obligations? Or the failure to follow your dreams? New research from Cornell University suggests our biggest regrets have nothing to do with our responsibilities in life.

  • It Takes 90 Hours To Make A New Friend

    It Takes 90 Hours To Make A New Friend

    You probably know that adding people to your inner circle takes time, but how much time it actually takes to go from strangers to buddies has been somewhat of a mystery — until now. A new study suggests you need to spend at least 90 hours with someone before they consider you a real friend.

  • Tailgating Officially Makes Traffic Worse, Jerks

    Tailgating Officially Makes Traffic Worse, Jerks

    If you’ve ever encountered a “phantom traffic jam” or traffic slowdown that doesn’t seem to have an apparent cause, it was probably some jackwagon tailgating somebody. Researchers at MIT found that not only does tailgating not get you anywhere faster, it actually creates traffic jams that shouldn’t exist.