squatting position

  • 17 of the Most Underrated Squats You Should Try

    17 of the Most Underrated Squats You Should Try

    Squats are one of the very best lower body exercises out there, and if you’ve ever worked out at all, you’ve certainly done them. But too many of us have never broadened our horizons beyond the humble air squat and barbell back squat — and if that’s you, you’re missing out.

  • What Is Powerlifting, and How Do You Get Into It?

    What Is Powerlifting, and How Do You Get Into It?

    Competitive sports often require special spaces or equipment, and that’s true of most strength sports. Weightlifting (the kind they do in the Olympics) requires bouncy bumper plates and a gym that won’t mind if you drop them from overhead. Strongman training uses a variety of unusual equipment you won’t find in your average commercial gym.…