spiritual practice

  • How a Month of Beginner’s Yoga Actually Stressed Me Out

    How a Month of Beginner’s Yoga Actually Stressed Me Out

    After a little over three weeks of diligently practicing yoga on a daily basis for the Lifehacker Fitness Challenge, I can’t say that I’ve become a dedicated yoga convert. But I will say that it has been less painful than I’d originally expected. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve learned to appreciate how…

  • Here’s What It’s Like to Begin a Meditation Practice

    Here’s What It’s Like to Begin a Meditation Practice

    For the next few weeks, I’ll be taking over the Lifehacker Fitness Challenge by developing a healthy meditation routine for mental and physical wellness. The idea of meditation is actually quite stressful for me, so attempting to clear my mind (which is continually racing) has always been anxiety-inducing. I’ve actually never been great at managing…