Use Baking Soda to Get Rid of Moss Growing on Your Footpath and Driveway
Not everyone is a fan of the rustic look of moss growing on their driveway, footpath, or patio. But, appearance aside, it’s a safety hazard. When moss covers materials like concrete, brick, wood, and paving stones, it can make these high-traffic surfaces extremely slippery, increasing the risk of someone falling.
Baking Soda Will Fuck Up Your Carpet
Once again, we regret to inform you that a cleaning hack you may have seen online is maybe not a great idea. This one involves sprinkling bicarb — or baking soda — on your carpet to remove stains or odours, which certainly sounds promising considering all the wonderful cleaning uses baking soda typically has. But…
How to Clean Puke Out of Your Car
I have a dog that gets carsick if the conditions are not exactly perfect. I have to withhold food if we’re going to be in the car more than fifteen minutes and reassure her that I’m not taking her to be abandoned. Still, she frequently ralphs, and I frequently clean it up, so I thought…