
  • Seriously, We Don’t Need Lawns

    Seriously, We Don’t Need Lawns

    It’s never been harder to keep a lawn alive and unless radical climate interventions happen like, tomorrow, this is the easiest it’ll be for the rest of your life. Not to be too dramatic, but: Have you ever considered giving up?

  • Grow a Clover Lawn That You Barely Have to Mow

    Grow a Clover Lawn That You Barely Have to Mow

    If you have a grass lawn on your property, you already know how much they suck. Grass is fragile, fickle, and expensive to maintain. Lawns suck your time and energy and are pretty much ecological disasters in many ways, ranging from water use to the reduction of natural habitats — plus they’re a pain in…

  • When to Seed Your Lawn, and When to Use Sod

    When to Seed Your Lawn, and When to Use Sod

    When it comes to starting a lawn, there are two ways you can begin: You can prep the ground and sow the seeds, or you can start with a blanket of already grown grass, known as sod, and maintain it so the roots grow deep. Of course, both take different elements of care (and finances),…