social distancing
Will Living in a Personal Bubble Protect You From the Horrors of the Outside World?
Apparently wearing a small piece of fabric affixed to your face has caused such fervent debate in our society that companies are trying to find new and “innovative” solutions to shield your face. Author Celeste Ng uncovered a real gem when she tweeted about these personal social distancing pods:
What’s a ‘Second Wave’ of Coronavirus and How Can Australia Try to Avoid It?
As the restrictions ease and we’re suddenly allowed to catch up with friends and be out in public once more, coronavirus transmission is expected to slowly rise.
Coronavirus Shopping Tips To Keep You Safe At The Supermarket
For many of us, grocery shopping is when we will come into contact with the highest number of people during the pandemic. The more people we encounter, the higher the risk of virus transmission. So, how do we keep safe when going to the shops?
How To Avoid Talking To Your Friends And Family
Remember when you could ignore an incoming call and reply with a quick “I’m out, can’t talk right now” text?