Sick of Sneezing? Here’s What to Know About Allergen Immunotherapy for Hay Fever
Allergic rhinitis, commonly referred to as hay fever, is a common allergic disorder affecting up to one in five Australians. Symptoms include itchy nose and eyes, excessive sneezing or clear nasal discharge and nasal congestion. When severe or untreated, hay fever can affect your quality of life, resulting in poor sleep, impaired learning, and difficulty…
What To Say When Someone Sneezes, In Every Country
Look, I’d rather you not say “bless you.” But it seems most of you aren’t ready to take that leap, so here’s Expedia’s guide to politely responding to a sneeze in just about every country in the world. Mexico’s is especially fun.
This Is What Happens When You Hold In Your Sneezes
Sneezes are powerful — we can sneeze at 64km/h and at distances up to 9m. And there’s nothing worse than wanting to sneeze but not being able to. Sometimes, you just have to stop a sneeze, but that can’t be good for us, can it?