
  • What’s a Good Resting Heart Rate, Anyway?

    What’s a Good Resting Heart Rate, Anyway?

    The ubiquity of activity trackers means access to health data we previously never thought about, such as the number of steps we take, the hours we sleep, and our real-time heart rate. When it comes to heart rate, you might be wondering what, if anything, your resting heart rate says about your health. Resting heart…

  • Why Everyone Should Have a Night Light (and How to Choose the Best One)

    Why Everyone Should Have a Night Light (and How to Choose the Best One)

    There are plenty of things we use or engage in as children that have entirely practical applications once you’ve ‘grown up.” Exhibit A: Night lights, those little lights you plug into the wall, soaking a room or hallway with dim, soothing light. Night lights are usually associated with little kids who are scared of the…

  • These Habits Are Making You More Irritable

    These Habits Are Making You More Irritable

    It’s normal and expected to be irritable sometimes — when we’re overly tired, when our environment is too loud, when we sit in gridlock, or when someone steals our thunder at work. In some instances, like a traffic jam, there’s nothing we can do to change the circumstances — all we can do is consciously…

  • Turns Out ‘Sleeping on It’ Really Is the Healthy Thing to Do

    Turns Out ‘Sleeping on It’ Really Is the Healthy Thing to Do

    Instead of lying awake worrying, we’re often told to “sleep on it” when making decisions both big and small. And there’s actually a scientific basis for this advice. Sleep can influence our response to emotional situations, and helps us to manage our mental health. To understand why sleep and emotions are so connected, it’s important…