
  • Speak To Your New Baby The Way You’d Speak To Your Older Kids 

    Speak To Your New Baby The Way You’d Speak To Your Older Kids 

    As I prepare for life with a new baby, I’ve been hearing a lot of advice on how to help my five-year-old daughter Maggie transition into her role of a big sister, a title she isn’t entirely thrilled about. “Read her some big sibling books,” people say. (Done.) “Let her help out.” (Definitely.) “Get her…

  • ‘Sportscast’ Your Kids’ Fights 

    ‘Sportscast’ Your Kids’ Fights 

    Hearing your kids fight is a practice in restraint. You want to jump in, bust out Mum or Dad Voice, and remind them that you didn’t give them the gift of a sibling so they could spend their days screaming about whose cheese cracker is cheesier. However, as we know, there are good reasons to…

  • When Should You Have Another Baby? 

    When Should You Have Another Baby? 

    Sometimes, a decision that’s even tougher to make than “Should we have a child?” is “Should we have another child?” — and if the answer is yes, then the question becomes “When?” Sibling age gaps, AKA birth spacing, is a massive topic of analysis — for economists, sociologists, the World Health Organisation, and most of…

  • How To Visit Family Without Being Treated Like A Kid

    How To Visit Family Without Being Treated Like A Kid

    When you head home to visit family, tons of childhood memories will come rushing back, along with some old family dynamics too. Some dynamics, like inside jokes or age-old traditions, are comforting and great. But others, like teasing, babying, or people not taking you seriously — not so much. You may be a full-grown adult…