
  • 15 Clever Ways You Should Be Using Coffee Grounds Around the House

    15 Clever Ways You Should Be Using Coffee Grounds Around the House

    I don’t mean to be alarmist, but you really need to stop throwing your coffee grounds away. Like, now. Do you know how wildly versatile they are? How many glorious, non-intuitive ways you can repurpose the remains of your morning cup of joe around your home, your garden — even your body? Their microbial, anti-inflammatory,…

  • How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

    How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

    Dogs may be the most universally beloved creatures that also rejoice in their own filth. They sniff other dogs’ butts to say hello. They gleefully roll around in mud, and many other things much dirtier than mud. They, on occasion, eat poop with gusto. Some dogs won’t hesitate to kill rabid animals and bring them…