sexual harassment
The 7 Deadly Sins of Being a Co-Worker
Everyone hates the people they work with*: 90% of Americans report having an annoying co-worker, and nearly 60% of us have considered leaving, or have actually left, their jobs because of an annoying co-worker.
What Simone Biles Can Teach Our Children About Mental Health
If our children are old enough to be watching the Olympics with us, there’s a good chance they have already seen a fair amount of coverage and the reactions — both good and bad — surrounding Simone Biles’ decision to withdraw from the competition due to mental health concerns. And that decision presents us with…
How to Not Masturbate During a Zoom Call
Listen, I get it. The line between office and home has become so fine that we can’t tell the difference between, say, when it’s acceptable to masturbate and when it’s absolutely not. Since we do honest service journalism at Lifehacker, I want to share personal tips I’ve learned to keep you from making an “embarrassingly…
If You Compliment People at Work, Use This Rule
If you’re one of the people out there bemoaning the fact that you “can’t even compliment someone at work these days without them taking it the wrong way,” take note: Clever Twitter user Marissa Lingen has found a solution. She suggests using the word “snazzy” when remarking on your colleagues’ outfits — that is to…