self harm

  • Why the Gym Won’t Fix Your Body Issues

    Why the Gym Won’t Fix Your Body Issues

    Some people exercise for health. Others exercise out of a sense of competitiveness or accomplishment. But by far, the most popular reason that people hit the gym is to make their body look better. They want to lose weight, be jacked, have abs, or look toned. But I would like to humbly suggest: maybe that…

  • Get Through An Urge To Self-Harm With These Apps 

    Get Through An Urge To Self-Harm With These Apps 

    iOS/Android: The urge to self-harm, the Calm Harm app tells us, is like a wave. It’s strongest at the beginning, but if you ride the wave, it will soon be over. Apps are no substitute for a good therapist, but people who struggle with these moments of crisis say the right app really helps.