
  • How Much Money Can You Make In The Freelance Economy?

    How Much Money Can You Make In The Freelance Economy?

    Illustration by Sam Woolley While I’m a freelancer by choice (and I absolutely love it), I’ve also experienced some major hurdles with self-employment. The picture isn’t so rosy for everyone. For many people, freelancing is less an opportunity and more a burden. The freelance economy is complicated, so if you’re a part of it, let’s…

  • How I Manage My Income As A Freelancer

    How I Manage My Income As A Freelancer

    It’s hard enough to manage your money on a steady, regular income. When your income varies from month to month as someone who’s freelancing or self-employed, keeping your finances organised is even more of a pain. From my experience, you need a system. Set it up once, and it protects you forever. Here’s the system…