How Much Money Can You Make In The Freelance Economy?
Illustration by Sam Woolley While I’m a freelancer by choice (and I absolutely love it), I’ve also experienced some major hurdles with self-employment. The picture isn’t so rosy for everyone. For many people, freelancing is less an opportunity and more a burden. The freelance economy is complicated, so if you’re a part of it, let’s…
How I Manage My Income As A Freelancer
It’s hard enough to manage your money on a steady, regular income. When your income varies from month to month as someone who’s freelancing or self-employed, keeping your finances organised is even more of a pain. From my experience, you need a system. Set it up once, and it protects you forever. Here’s the system…
Don’t Bet On Your Business To Fund Your Retirement
If you own your own business and business is good, your plan might be to fund your retirement by selling your company someday. But as Entrepreneur writer Sujan Patel puts it: your business isn’t a retirement plan.