saving money

  • Which Home Improvement Projects Should Never Be DIY?

    Which Home Improvement Projects Should Never Be DIY?

    There’s a YouTube tutorial or how-to article for pretty much any and every do-it-yourself home improvement project you could possibly want to take on. But just because you can DIY something doesn’t mean you should. In some cases, your time, money and safety may be worth more than what you’d pay a professional to do…

  • Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

    Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

    So you adopted a dog (or cat or bird). You’ve got the food, the bed and the toys, and now you’re wondering whether pet insurance is a good investment. What if your new companion gets sick or hurt? Could pet insurance help save their lives — and protect your wallet?

  • How To Protect Your Money, With Ramit Sethi

    Let’s face it, the economy feels a little doom and gloom right now. So we’re learning how to protect ourselves financially this week with the help of personal finance advisor Ramit Sethi. Hear him talk with Alice Bradley and Lifehacker’s personal finance writer Lisa Rowan about his practical tips for navigating this economically terrifying time.…