
  • Stop Making Cornstarch Slurries With Boring Water

    Stop Making Cornstarch Slurries With Boring Water

    Cornstarch is a functional, journeyman ingredient, neither sexy nor exciting. It does its job well; all you do to activate its thickening powers is mix it with a small amount of liquid to create a slurry you can stir into a hot soups, stews, pan sauces, puddings, or any liquid-y dish that needs a bit more…

  • An Adult’s Guide to Finally Learning to Like Vegetables

    An Adult’s Guide to Finally Learning to Like Vegetables

    Vegetables are an essential part of eating healthy, but getting enough vegetables can be a challenge for those of us who, to be totally honest, never learned to like them. I was once a vegetable hater, so I totally get this. But you can learn to like veggies, even if you despised them as a…

  • Your Marinara Needs Onions or Garlic, but Not Both

    Your Marinara Needs Onions or Garlic, but Not Both

    A few years ago, I read somewhere that Italians never use onions and garlic in their marinara; it’s always one or the other. Like so many black-and-white cooking “rules” you come across online, this one didn’t stand up to cursory Googling — it might be true in some regions of Italy, but it’s more of…

  • This Tuna Mayo Rice Bowl Is the Best WFH Lunch

    This Tuna Mayo Rice Bowl Is the Best WFH Lunch

    I’ve been working from home for something like eight years and I’m somehow still awful at making myself lunch. I sucked at it before COVID and I’m even worse at it now; if I don’t have leftovers in the fridge, my chances of eating a complete, nutritious midday meal decrease to approximately zero.