
  • So You Need to Poop While on a Date

    So You Need to Poop While on a Date

    It’s a beautiful thing, to reach the point in a relationship when your no-longer-new partner has finally discovered all of the horrible smells your body can produce, and chooses to stick with you nonetheless. The last thing you want, however, is for this smelly point to arrive ahead of schedule — killing the romance tragically…

  • What to Do When There’s No Toilet Paper in a Public Restroom

    What to Do When There’s No Toilet Paper in a Public Restroom

    Bodily functions are messy, and no matter how carefully you plan, your body will betray you at some point, forcing you to eliminate in public places you’d rather not eliminate in. In such a desperate situation, we may experience tunnel vision, not realising the horror of an empty toilet paper dispenser until it is too…

  • The Actual Difference Between a Half, 3/4, and Full Bathroom

    The Actual Difference Between a Half, 3/4, and Full Bathroom

    Real estate listings sound like they should be pretty straightforward, but if you’re not familiar with the terminology and abbreviations, it can seem like they’re written in a different language. Some things are self-explanatory, like seeing “primary bedroom” and knowing it’s what has been traditionally known as a “master bedroom.”

  • How to Stop Your Toilet Tank From Sweating

    How to Stop Your Toilet Tank From Sweating

    Along with all the fun in the sun and taking advantage of the extended evening daylight, summer also means sweat. Sure, sweating isn’t limited to December, January, and February, but when the temperatures climb, so too does the tendency to turn into a sweaty mess.