
  • This Is the Best Bread for Your BLT

    This Is the Best Bread for Your BLT

    There are a bunch of ways to improve a BLT’s filling—marinate the tomatoes, waffle a bacon patty, or add stealth bacon—but what about that bread? That toasted, crumbly, roof-of-your-mouth-ruining toast? It’s a menace to your sandwich, and it must be stopped. Luckily, there is a perfect bread for the best BLT. It’s an unexpected hero…

  • Doughnuts Are an Excellent Sandwich Bread

    Doughnuts Are an Excellent Sandwich Bread

    Disney World has released a doughnut grilled cheese sandwich unto the world and, for some reason, not everyone is delighted. Even though this is tame as far as stunt foods go, some accounts (and some people) are play-acting at being shocked over a fairly mundane sandwich.