
  • People Won’t Always Like You, And That’s Okay

    People Won’t Always Like You, And That’s Okay

    A few years ago, I lost a friend. We had been close-ish for a couple of years before I noticed a shift in our relationship. Suddenly, she was busy all the time. She would make excuses to leave conversations with me at parties. I ended up calling her on the behaviour, sending a “is something…

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Getting a Divorce

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Getting a Divorce

    Getting divorced has long been recognised as one of the most stressful life events, up there with the death of a loved one and a major illness. Divorce can cause or exacerbate health problems, lead to psychological trauma, cost you a lot of money, and make you all mopey and weird at barbecues for at…

  • Seriously, Who Should Pay for the First Date?

    Seriously, Who Should Pay for the First Date?

    Who should pay for a first date? It’s a question that probably sits at the back of your mind every time you go on a first date or one that you ask your friends before you head out to meet the potential love of your life. Should you pay for it? Should they? Or should…