
  • You Can Finally Edit Your WhatsApp Messages

    You Can Finally Edit Your WhatsApp Messages

    In the early days of messaging, each correspondence was final. Email, AIM, SMS — if you sent it, the other person would see it, with zero chance for retraction. Today, however, we live in the future, where we can edit a message with typos or thoughts we regret. WhatsApp has been slow to this edit…

  • You Really Do Need to Update WhatsApp Right Now

    You Really Do Need to Update WhatsApp Right Now

    WhatsApp is the world’s most popular chat app, making it the perfect playground for spreading misinformation and lies. You might spend your time begging your relatives not to believe everything they read in WhatsApp threads, often to no avail. However, there’s finally some WhatsApp news that is worth spreading as far and wide as possible:…