reading list
How to Set and Keep Your Reading Goal This Year
Every year I make a vague-but-ambitious resolution to “read more,” and every year I start strong but lose momentum after about three months. It’s not for lack of interest or trying — I just haven’t set a realistic goal that involves reading books I actually like.
The Best Tools For Conquering Your Massive ‘Read Later’ List
A “read later” list is an essential productivity tool. Sending articles to a separate app for later reading keeps you focused when you’re at work, and gives you something productive to do on your phone during downtime. But it’s easier to save an article than to read it, so stories on “read later” lists (like…
Conquer Your Story Backlog With ‘Reading Queue’ On iOS
I usually have about 90 articles in my Instapaper, and I’m OK with that. I get around to articles a month after everyone stopped talking about them. I look through my queue like it’s a ten-page diner menu, ignoring certain articles for weeks until I finally decide to read or delete. It could be worse;…
The ‘Sexism In Magic: The Gathering’ Reading List
“You don’t look like a Magic player,” a familiar comment to women in the Magic: The Gathering gaming community, is also the title of a Metafilter post (by user Fizz) compiling six pieces on gender and sexism among the game’s players and creators. The quoted pieces address issues of in-person sexism, gender and identity representation,…