
  • How to Co-Parent With a Narcissist

    How to Co-Parent With a Narcissist

    If your co-parenting partner is rigid, can’t stick to an agreement, is manipulative or, worse, puts your child in the middle of a disagreement between the two of you, these are signs they could be a narcissist. Their lack of empathy, constant patronising, and rigid thoughts and conduct can be nearly impossible to deal with.…

  • How to Spot a ‘Dark Empath’

    How to Spot a ‘Dark Empath’

    You may have heard people describe themselves as an “empath” to indicate they’re sensitive, intuitive people deeply aware of the emotions and energy of those around them. These self-proclaimed highly feeling souls are emotional sponges, immediately sensing peoples’ moods, making them natural helpers and healers. But, this excess of empathy is not always used for…

  • Top Ten Careers That Attract Psychopaths

    If you’ve been in the workplace for any extended period of time, chances are you’ve encountered a psychopath at some point in your career. Contrary to popular belief, not all psychopaths are serial killers or axe murderers. In fact, only a small minority of psychopaths are actually violent at all. Instead, you’ll find that psychopaths…