
  • How to Spot a ‘Dark Empath’

    How to Spot a ‘Dark Empath’

    You may have heard people describe themselves as an “empath” to indicate they’re sensitive, intuitive people deeply aware of the emotions and energy of those around them. These self-proclaimed highly feeling souls are emotional sponges, immediately sensing peoples’ moods, making them natural helpers and healers. But, this excess of empathy is not always used for…

  • How to Stop Being so Damn Self-Deprecating

    How to Stop Being so Damn Self-Deprecating

    No one likes a big ego, and the ability to laugh at yourself is an important skill. On the flip side, humility has its limits, too. If you’re someone who really can’t accept a compliment, or you’re constantly downplaying everything about yourself, then your self-deprecation is likely doing more harm than good.