psychoactive drugs
How to Day Drink Without Overdoing It
Cold weather and boozy beverages go hand-in-hand and day drinking hits differently than your glass of wine with dinner.
Keep These Common Super Bowl Snacks Away From Your Dog
Plenty of human snack foods are bad news for dogs, as you may remember from our advice not to give your dog turkey skin on Christmas and to keep them away from all kinds of candy, not just chocolate, on Halloween. So you won’t be surprised to learn that your Super Bowl party spread also…
How to Beat Your Mid-Day Slump Without Caffeine
We all know the feeling: We’ve blazed through a productive morning, banged out a few important items on our to-do list, enjoyed the benefits of some post-lunchtime energy — and then boom. Sometime around three o’clock we begin to move with the speed and mental acuity of a tranquilized hippopotamus. Drooping eyelids, heavy sighing, zero…