
  • How To Protest During A Pandemic

    Avoiding large gatherings is part of how we’ve tried to stay safe for the past few months, but protests have something in common with hospital services and (apparently) takeout margaritas: They’re essential to our well-being as a society.

  • How To Feed Yourself When You Have More Important Shit To Do

    In times of great stress and turmoil, eating and (especially) cooking can seem extraneous. This is, quite obviously, not a normal time, but existing in a body means you have to eat, even if you are actively protesting, providing essential services during a pandemic, or paralysed by anxiety and fear.

  • How To Flush Your Eyes If You’re Tear Gassed

    In this week’s U.S. protests against police brutality, police in many cities chose to escalate violence. One tool they commonly use is a chemical weapon known colloquially as tear gas. Here’s what to do if you encounter tear gas at a protest. (First step: flush your eyes with water.)

  • How You Can Help The Refugees On Manus Island

    A humanitarian crisis is unfolding on Manus Island, where more than 600 people remain at a now shuttered detention facility cut off from water, food, power and important medications and health services. Most of these people have already been found to be refugees. Watching this entirely avoidable disaster of the Australian government’s creation, it’s easy…