
  • You Need to Update Zoom on Your Mac Right Now

    You Need to Update Zoom on Your Mac Right Now

    If you spend all day in video meetings, you might think Zoom has completely taken over your Mac. However, a major security vulnerability allows hackers to do just that. While getting hacked might be excuse enough to get you out of that afternoon video call, it’s definitely not worth it. Save yourself the headache and…

  • What to Do If Your Partner Turns Into a Conspiracy Theorist

    What to Do If Your Partner Turns Into a Conspiracy Theorist

    Everyday people get sucked into conspiracy theories and violent movements all the time, although the process happens slowly. It starts small. YouTube’s algorithm might offer up an edgy, offensive video, which leads to more edgy, offensive videos. From there, someone can move to unsettling Reddit posts, Facebook groups, and accounts on more niche services, like…

  • You Don’t Need Makeup-Remover to Remove Your Makeup

    You Don’t Need Makeup-Remover to Remove Your Makeup

    The worst part of wearing makeup is taking it off at the end of the day. Single-use makeup wipes and cotton pads are as expensive as they are wasteful, but most people see them as a necessary evil. Assuming your cleanser can’t remove makeup on its own, you need something that does. But here’s the…